Property Expansion Project

Lodge Side House Purchase

Near the gym on the Lodge Side sits a house on 2.91 acres of land, all adjacent to the camp. The house is so close to the camp, in fact, that many visitors assumed the property was already a part of Round Lake. Years ago, the camp had secured a first right of refusal on this property, with the purchase price at $110,000. This means that when the current owner was ready to sell the house, the camp would be offered the property first for that set amount. The camp planned to purchase the property at that time. 

In 2017, the owner decided to move, selling the house and land to the camp for the amount of $110,000 as formerly agreed upon. The addition of this house means a camp staff family is now living in the home by the gym, adding extra security to the camp. 


Lakefront Property 

For years, there was one small corner of the lake not owned by Round Lake Christian Camp. This section was located on the corner of the property near State Route 3. Owning this nearly 12-acre tract has long been a dream of the camp. Finally, in 2016 the camp was presented with the opportunity to purchase the land for $63,000. Now, the camp owns all of the lakefront property, securing the camp for years to come and giving Round Lake full management rights to the lake. 


Round Lake Golf Course 

In March of 2015, it came to the attention of the camp that the 63-acre Round Lake Golf Course adjacent to the camp was scheduled to close after being in business since 1929. The property was also for sale. After several conversations between the golf course owners and camp leadership, the decision to purchase the course was made on April 22, 2015. The camp took official ownership on August 1, 2015. 

The current goal of the camp is to maintain the property as a golf course with a vision for expanded summer and retreat programming. The clubhouse has been partially remodeled and a small snack shack is available in the clubhouse for guests.

The Round Lake Golf Course serves as an outreach ministry of the camp by providing a "unique environment where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is experienced." Through this facility, the camp hopes to create a venue unlike any other facility in the area.


Contribution Amount
Other Amount $
Total Amount

     for  installments.
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